St John Ambulance

What we were asked to do

Introduce a fresh visual identity for one of the UK’s most beloved brands within a rapid six-week timeframe.

What we did

We devised a unique process, involving our project manager, designer, and essential client stakeholders. Using our robust project management expertise, we efficiently delivered various assets – posters, pull-up banners, signage guidelines, PowerPoint templates, z-cards, and ads – maintaining high quality throughout. It was a collaborative effort ensuring both speed and precision in realising our vision.

What they thought

We successfully met all deadlines and stayed within budget, and our dynamic 'relay race' approach infused the project with a lively and enjoyable energy. The entire organisation swiftly embraced the fresh look and feel, making it a seamless and positive transition for all.

Do you have a visual identity that needs a fresh look?

Then give us a shout