What we were asked to do
We helped Standing together create a set of materials for their 'Pathfinder project' – a national pilot project, working across eight sites in England to transform Health’s response to domestic abuse. These were a key findings report, a consultation report, infographics, and toolkit.

What we did
As there were a number of partners it was important that no one organisation was seen to be taking the credit for the initiative, so key to this was working in a non-branded manner. In practice this meant creating a look and feel for the materials so they all felt like a part of a suite, without getting too close to any one identity. Taking the idea that the 'whole is greater than the sum of its parts', we built a logo and feel that was led by iconography which came together to show what the bigger picture was.

What they thought
Our client loved the materials. They stood out from everything else going on in the sector and made the programme feel more whole in the process.