
Empowering women's rights - creative petition publication


What we were asked to do

We were commissioned to produce a unique hardcover book featuring poetry contributed by Action Aid supporters, serving as a creative petition. Our focus was on raising awareness and advocating legislative changes to combat violence against women, spotlighting the courageous women leading this transformative movement.

Open book on table, showing text and imagery.
Open book on table, showing text and imagery.

What we did

We crafted a visually captivating and substantial publication, ensuring the poetry flowed at a comfortable pace for readers to immerse themselves in the messages conveyed. Full-page, full-bleed imagery complemented the poetry, offering a fresh approach to presenting a petition. Additionally, we featured a foreword by London's Young Poet Laureate, Selina Nwulu, and a global poem by Talia Randall, comprised of contributions from supporters, alongside standalone poems totaling approximately 2,000–3,000 short lines.

What they thought

"Thanks so much for your work on this, it was fantastic! Definitely keen to work with you again, you did beautiful work. Thank you."

Caroline Jones - Campaigns Manager
Open book on table, showing two pages of poetry.

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