
2022 legacy pack design for Orbis UK


What we were asked to do

Our mission was to revamp the Orbis legacy mailing, fostering reconnection with long-term prospects in a warm, inviting manner. The redesigned approach aimed to sustain the message's impact for months post-receipt, encouraging donors to remember Orbis when considering their will, ensuring lasting support and engagement.

What we did

Since the audience was already involved with Orbis UK, we aimed to show appreciation by encouraging long-term thinking. After exploring various engagement ideas, we settled on a calendar.

Calendars work well in legacy packs, offering a canvas for photography and opportunities to highlight important dates, facts, and aspects of Orbis's work. This opens doors for cross-selling. Moreover, calendars find a special place in supporters' homes, serving as a daily reminder of their connection to the cause.

Given Orbis's Eye Care Everywhere focus, we were particularly pleased to unite eye care activities with children, in schools, with older individuals, and across different parts of the world, all captured in one calendar.

What they thought about it

We engaged with current legacy supporters early on, ensuring confidence in the final pack. The client loved the final calendar and had positive feedback from regular donors.

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