Sue Ryder

Legacy toolkit for Sue Ryder


What they asked us to do

We were asked to create a suite of posters and advertising materials as part of the Sue Ryder legacy toolkit. The toolkit needed to effectively highlight how donors can support the charity by leaving a gift in their will. The toolkit needed to be created in a speedy manner due to the short timeframes.

stack of coasters with legacy toolkit design
leaflet for legacy toolkit

What we did

Being very familiar with the Sue Ryder brand, we quickly designed the legacy toolkit posters for the team, using appropriate imagery, key messaging, and soft colours and shapes from the brand palette. The posters and collateral were quickly rolled out by the team.

poster at bus stop

What they thought

The Sue Ryder team were really pleased with the final result and the speed at which it was created.

poster at bus stop

Do you help with your legacy toolkit?

Give the Yarn team a call.