The Children's Society

In memory proposition and assets created for The Children's Society


What we were asked to do

The Children's Society reached out to us with the goal of transforming the powerful concept of 'One life can change another' into tangible messages aimed at encouraging In Memory giving. They sought to engage various audiences, both internally within the organisation and externally, to increase awareness and participation in their fundraising efforts. Our task was to develop messaging strategies that resonated with different groups, effectively communicating the impact of their donations and inspiring action.

What we did

We crafted the 'One life can change another' concept to suit diverse audiences. Our approach involved creating emotionally resonant messaging for different groups, including gentle, inspiring, supportive, and informative tones. Deliverables included boilerplate copy, audience-specific messaging, and leaflet design, to be distributed through various channels.

text reading 'one life can change another'
boy sitting outside

What they thought about it

The client expressed great satisfaction with both the project's journey and its final outcomes. Their positive experience prompted further collaboration, as we extended our services to deliver direct mail projects for them.

Do you need a new proposition created?

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front cover of leaflet
inside of front cover and 1st page of leaflet
donation form within leaflet
close up of donation form