Crohns and Colitis

Copy content for a fundraising spring raffle 2024


What we were asked to do

We were asked to copy edit the Crohn's and Colitis spring raffle 2024 direct mail fundraising campaign. Our objectives were to ensure clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy throughout the materials, alongside developing language to effectively engage donors.

Raffle letter

What we did

We carefully reviewed the promotional content, verifying all raffle details, and refining the messaging to effectively engage potential donors and supporters, ultimately enhancing the overall impact and appeal of the campaign.

Once the copy editing was complete, their design team finalised the direct mail pack, ensuring a visually appealing and cohesive presentation.

Raffle letter
Raffle letter

What they thought

"Thank you so much for all of your help, we think the pack looks brilliant and are so excited to see how it performs."

Ellie Twist - Donor Development Fundraising Officer, Crohns and Colitis

Do you need help with your fundraising copy?

Give the Yarn team a call.