Action Aid

Big Me! Fundraising campaign: design & creation


What we were asked to do

We were tasked with conceptualising and designing the creative application for the 'Big Me' fundraising event by Action Aid. The assets had to be user-friendly for teachers, quick to implement, and infused with inspiration and fun elements to engage participants effectively.

picture of wordsearch for action aid
picture of action aid Big Me badge
multiple campaign images with children from around the world

What we did

We organised a lively digital fundraiser for primary schools, sparking kids' imaginations about their future aspirations and those of children worldwide. They dressed up as their dream careers for school, raising sponsorships. With engaging designs and interactive content, we made it exciting while promoting empathy across cultures.

What they thought about it

Our client was thrilled with the designs, and the event was a hit. We managed to pull off the project smoothly despite the tight schedule, which then opened up the opportunity for us to work on their Fearless Women petition publication.

Do you need some help with your fundraising?

Then get in touch.
image of big me postcard for action aid
image of big me fundraising totaliser in a rocket shape