Sue Ryder

Bespoke image library: Sue Ryder, palliative care services


What we were asked to do

Sue Ryder commissioned bespoke imagery for their palliative care services, featuring models portraying patients, clinical staff, and families. The shoot, set within one of their hospices, demanded sensitivity to patients and visitors, especially considering potential COVID issues. Images were required to be clinically accurate and emotionally resonant, serving various documentation and online platforms.

What we did

The project management and photography teams diligently prepared for the shoot weeks in advance, given the complexities of shooting in an open palliative care center. Various models for different clinical positions were required, all contained within a closed area of the hospice. With limited space, streamlined communication on set was vital, ensuring efficiency and respect for the sensitive environment, with our team accompanying models to and from the set.

What they thought

The client was delighted with, not only the amount of shots achieved on the shoot but the emotion that was conveyed for the fundraising images required alongside the clinical shots. A very successful shoot in a challenging environment.

Do you need a suite of imagery created?

Then we are here to help