A lapsed donor focussed direct mail campaign


What we were asked to do

Develop a targeted direct mail package to reconnect with lapsed NSPCC donors who took a break after the eventful year of 2020. Understand the reasons behind their pause, whether they felt undervalued or their previous contributions were perceived as insufficient. The complexity of rekindling support intensified given the financial strains and heightened challenges for children during that period. Nonetheless, we are committed to addressing this challenge and making a significant impact.

What we did

Collaborating with an NSPCC copywriter, we highlight children's ongoing pandemic challenges, emphasising the continuous need for support. Introducing 'Yes' stickers as an interactive response tool, supporters can express commitment through financial backing or spirited support, accommodating various levels of contribution during these trying times.

What they thought

The pack achieved outstanding success. It nearly doubled the income generated by the 2019/20 pack, highlighting the effectiveness of our approach in connecting with supporters and rallying increased financial support during challenging circumstances.

Do you need help with a DM campaign?

Then give the Yarn team a shout