
2023 legacy insert design for Orbis UK


What we were asked to do

We were tasked with creating multiple inserts for the upcoming Orbis newsletter, serving as legacy marketing for those without legacy status and versions for previous legacy pledgers and enquirers, totaling three versions. The goal was to inspire inquiries about legacies and encourage existing pledgers to reaffirm or increase their pledge.

What we did

Given the print specifications, we had to keep the copy concise, with variations for different audience sectors. We emphasised "changes across our lifetime" and highlighted achievements over the decades with images and key events. A dedication from a long-time pledger aimed to inspire readers to consider their own impact through legacy pledges.

image of the final insert

What they thought about it

The client was really happy with how the final insert turned out. They appreciated how quickly it was done and the cost-effectiveness of using rights-free images. Those images gave the perfect vintage film strip vibe, making the project a success.

image of Martin Luther King giving a speech
image of Neil Armstrong on the moon
image of the concorde in flight
image of the berlin wall coming down

Would you like to discuss your legacy pack design?

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image of vintage film strip